Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mid-week LSD

Today, due to a planned long afternoon meeting in the office, I will not be able to do my afternoon LSD to walk from office back to home. Therefore, I did the reverse and walk from home to office in the morning.

I woke up at 4:45am and get my early morning journey started at 5:18am. This time, I took a different route.

I also using a new light weight backpack from Deuter. It is a 15 liter backpack with only 350g in weight, less than half of the backpack that I was using in the last 2 weeks.

Since after arriving in the office, I still need to work for the whole day, I set my target pace to be 9:15.

I am basically on the right pace throughout the whole walk. I started when the sky is completely dark till it completely brighten up. However, around AMK library, the sky get dark and started to rain. It starts with a very light dizzle but quickly getting into heavy rain. I had to stop and took a bus to Yishun. Overall, I completed 14km right at the target pace of 9:15.

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