Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hong Kong Trailwalker

One of the events that I want to participate at least once in my life is the Oxfam Trailwalker in Hong Kong on 20/22-Nov-09. I am trying to join the HKUST MBA Alumni team. I think my last time walking on the MacLehose Trail is at least 15 years ago. All my running/brisk walk in the last couple of years are in more less flat terrain.

I will need some serious training to finish the 100km MacLehose trail. I was told the total uphill is 3900m!!

I just started my stair training during the last weekend. Walking up 29 storeys, then walk down 29 storeys and walk up 29 storeys again. I think I need to stretch it to a total of 120 storeys at one go (equivalent to 360m, roughly the average uphill climb on the MacLehose trail).

I don't know what is the predicted time. I can do 100km in less than 20 hours on flat terrain. But with the climb, I am putting it as 30-33 hours. Need more training!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oxfam! That's a cool race! I wish to do one some day!

    All the best in your endeavor! :)
