Wednesday, July 2, 2008

MacRitchie Run

I joined the sgrunners MacRitchie run on Sunday. Though I have run the 10.5km route several time but this time will include a visit to the Upper Peirce Reservoir which I never run before. Below is the route from Google Map

You can see that I actually run part of it over the reservoir. Obviously, the map is not up to date. But at the last part towards the dam between Upper and Lower Peirce reservoir, I made the wrong turn. And about 150m later, I saw that there are lots of people on the dam. Then, I realize I go the wrong way. There is a section that is on a grass slope and a bit slippery. I have to be very cautious in order to maintain balance.

I tried to run as far as possible. In the first 4km, I have driven my heart rate to 177 and have to switch to walking when I saw the long uphill slope right after SICC. I also did not bring along hydration which I found that I should. I was felling thirsty at around 4km and can only get the water point at the toilet at the dam. And there is also no water point after the rangers' quarter at around 9km mark.

Overall, I spent 2 hr 15 minutes in covering the 15km. It is a bit slow. I could have done better.

1 comment:

  1. It was good to chat with you, JJ. Sorry if I disrupted your run over the first couple of km, but thanks for the information! seong350
