I followed the route all the way to the Gangsa mountain bike track. Then, there is a gate closed. I cannot go through to the Mandai road and have to make the U-turn. When I was on the Keluar mountain bike track, I suppose to follow it back to Bukit Timah visitor's center. However, I lost the way when it meets the Kampong trail. Also at the same time, I feel that I had a hot spot at the ball of foot at the right foot. I did not want to have a blister over there as it takes over a month to recover. I decided to take a detour to go back to MacRitchie directly. I slowed down when the hot spot is not feeling good. Air it a few times but taking off the shoe and gently massage it. I was able to go back to my car without having the blister formed. When I reached my car, it was 37km. I thought that if I can nuture it for 7-8 km, I may be able to continue to make a loop around MacRitchie and boost the distance to 50km. That's what I did.
Total distance covered is exactly 50km (I have some detour around the MacRitchie carpark to make it up to 50km). Timing is 9 hrs 19 minutes. While the timing should have missed the cut-off time for NF100 duo, it includes a few breaks. Overall, I was happy with the pace. Feeling a bit tired. However, from the elevation, the route is not that challenging (cos I did not go into the hill 265 area which I was told very tough).
Overall, good training before the HK trailwalker which is just 3 weeks away. This should be my longest training and from now on, will be on tapering.
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