The run starts from the carpark C4 and follow the Sundown route. I choose the 35km distance which U-turn in Loyang Ave. I set up my goal as a total of 7 hours. Target to arrive back to carpark C4 after 5.5 hours and go for more in the East Coast Park. As a practice for Sundown, I will do pure brisk walk as well.
I start at a moderate pace but slowdown to pace the couple that are also walking. The couple u-turn just before Bedok reservior park and I get back to my normal pace.
When I arrive back to carpark C4, It was 34km and I am at 5:26, slightly slower than my goal. Then, I add another 8km along the East Coast Park to completed 42.5km in 6:58. The route is tough since it is a U-turn and I had to cross 8 bridges. The up-down terrain in the Bedok HDB is also tough on the body.
When I arrived back at around 4:30am, a group of 55km runners are still chatting at carpark C4. But I was too tired to join them for "breakfast". Muscle ache for about a day. And on today, I feel ok. To avoid another DNF, I need more mileage and it is only 2 more weeks to accumulate mileage. Not sure whehter I will get to my planned 60km mark. I suppose to reach 50km mark for my training this week.